We have instant access to a network of more than 5000+ candidates registered through our ‘Job Alerts’ system.
Contact the team at CCGT to find out more about our services for employers.
Why use Central Coast Group Training for your recruitment needs?
Central Coast Group Training has over 40+ years’ experience in recruitment and we understand the importance of getting the right applicant the first time.
We look after the advertising, skills assessment, screening and reference checks for apprenticeships, traineeships and general “positions vacant”. Let us take care of the recruitment so you can focus on running your business.
We employ them, you hire them!
Not only will we advertise, interview and help select your apprentices or trainees, we will be the legal employer, taking on all administrative employment responsibilities. This saves you time and is a cost-effective way to focus on what you do best – running your business and training your future talent.
Central Coast Group Training is a full-service employment agency that recruits experienced and qualified professionals for part-time or full-time job vacancies.
Our skilled recruiters look after all advertising, screening and selection, saving you time and improving retention success. Our dynamic Job Alert email system means that we already have a direct source of active job seekers.